SoundDesign Creating a hoover effect like Gaga's Bad Romance The hoover is a powerful sound used across various genres, from Techno all the way to Pop music. Here is a tutorial using Ableton on how you can create your own.
Exercise How To Make a Techno Rumble Kick (Quick Method) This is how you create a techno rumble using overdrive, reverb, delay, and sidechain compression in Ableton Live. Follow this step-by-step guide with tips for adding creative effects to enhance your mix.
Exercise How to Make Drums Or Bass Thicker and Full With Parallel Compression [Video] Once you learn this trick, you will use it for all your mixes. My advise is to use it after you're done Sound Designing and you are ready to master your mix.
Exercise Shepard Tone Raiser FX in Ableton Inspired by BloodPop / Skrillex / Justin Bieber Create a shepard tone raiser effect in Ableton using built-in devices. Inspired by Skrillex, BloodPop and Justin Bieber, Sorry. Amazing song!
Exercise How to make a slot machine arpeggio in Ableton This is a quick exercise to practice sound design using three basic ingredients: an old-school type synth, a delay and an arpeggiator.
Exercise Microlooping Technique in Ableton [Video] Microlooping is a simple technique. Just add an Echo and a Device to your chain in Ableton and play with the parameters
Exercise Frequency Splitting Technique in Ableton Live [Cheat Sheet and Video Tutorial]. Use the Frequency Splitting Technique to isolate frequency ranges and apply creative effects to increase variation and interest in your tracks.
Exercise How To Create a Punchy Kick Using Ableton’s Operator Learn how to create a punchy kick drum in Ableton Live using Operator. Follow this step-by-step guide to design powerful, professional kicks for your music production.
Exercise How to take notes in Ableton Live Here's is some productivity inspiration to help you take text based notes directly in your Ableton project.